The Company / Our Clients

The following is a partial listing of clients who have purchased products or services from SageData since 1991.

More recent clients, or those with a particularly interesting system are identified by use of a slightly larger font...

3M Security Systems Division | A.Y. Jackson Secondary School | Ability Moving & Storage | Absopulse Electronics Ltd. | Adga Group | Agriculture Canada | AIT Corporation | Alcatel Canada | Alchemy Technology Sdn Bhd | Alleghany County Schools | Allied Pickford Movers | Ambassador Coffee Service | AMS Imaging | Andre - Laurendeau High School | Aramark , University of Ottawa | Ashbury College | Atco Frontec Europe Ltd. | Athena Books | Atlantic Distribution Centre | AECL - Atomic Energy of Canada | Aventis Crop Science

B-Tec Research | Bank of Canada | Barton Village Inc. | Bay Networks | Bayshore Shopping Centre | Beat Studios | Bedford Institute Oceanography | Beeware Enterprises Inc. | Belize Electricity Limited US | Bell Northern Research | Bells Corners Public School | Bernard Photo Image Inc. | Bits Inc. | Blue Line Taxi | Blue Ridge Lumber (1981) Ltd. | Books on Beechwood | Bookware | Bosal Canada | BreconRidge Manufacturing | Broadband Maintenance | Bronco Press | Brook Dunning | Brookfield High School | Brookstreet Hotel Corporation | Bruce Moore Russell | Brymark | Buystream

C-Mac Kanata Inc. | C.A. Paradis Inc. | Cabinet Office | CALIPSO CORP | Cambrian Systems Corporation | Can Arctic Graphics Ltd. | Canac/Microtel | Canada Clean Room | Canada Communications Group | Canada Customs & Revenue Agency | Canada Economic Development | Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp. | Canada Post | Canada Revenue Agency | Canadian Advanced Technology | Canadian Bank Note | Canadian Coast Guard | Canadian Fire Marshall | Canadian Forces Photo Unit | Canadian Grain Commission | Canadian Heritage | Canadian Human Rights Comm. | Canadian Hydrographic Survey | Canadian Medical Protective | Canadian Museum of Civilization | Canadian Museum of Nature | Canadian Pharmaceutical Assoc. | Canadian Resuscitation | Canadian School of Public Serv. | Canadian Space Agency | Capital Hardware | Carleton Board of Education | Carleton Roman Catholic School | Carleton University | Cast Technology Corp. US | Catena Networks | Catholic Health Association | Cattle & Co. Investments Inc. | CBC - SRC | CBC Radio-Canada | CCG | CCIA | CCRA | CDIC | Cdn Forces CFCS SP6 (DDCEI 5) | Cdn Forces Photographic Unit | Cdn Museum of Civilization | Centre de Simulation Janus | CFB Borden | CFB Edmonton | CFB Gagetown | CFB Greenwood | CFB Kingston | CFCS SP - Cdn Gov't Printing | CFIA | CFS Leitrim | CHEO | Chetwynd Forest Industries Ltd. | Chicagoland Beverage Co. | Christie & Walther | CIDA / IDIC | Cisco Systems | Citizenship & Immigration | City of Gloucester | City of Kanata | City of Nepean | City of Ottawa | City of Ottawa - Fire Services | City of Ottawa (Police Service) | City of Ottawa, Fleet Mgmt. | Clabro Canada | Commanding Office - DND | Communications Canada | Comptrollers Branch Fish/Oceans | Computer Business Centre | Computer Rental World | Computer Sciences Canada | Comtest Communications Products | Concordia University | Conseil des Ecoles Catholiques | Corel Corporation | Correctional Service of Canada | Courts Administration Service | Covington City Public Schools | CRA | Crawford Long Hospital of Emory | CRC - Industry Canada | CRTC | CSE - DND | CSIS | CUPE-SCFP | Custom Labels Inc. | Cyclop Vision Inc.

DataConnect | Datascan Technologies | Denzil Kriseman US | Depart Fisheries | Department of National Defence | Depart. of Public Works | Department of Transport | Department of Justice | Department of National Defence | Departmental Security Branch | Department Fisheries & Oceans | Department Natural Resources | Department of Health - FIRMS PROJECT | Department of National Defence | Department of Natural Resources Cda | Department Public Safety Canada | DERA Purchase Ledger | Design Associates Limited | Desktop Assistance Inc US | Developpement Economique Canada | DFAIT | DGS Information Consultants | DHTC - NDHQ | Diao Technologies Inc | Discovery Learning Store Ltd | DISOA/DDCEI Supply Procurement | Diversified Technology US | DMR Consulting Inc. | DND - Chief of the Land Staff | DND - DDCEI Warehouse | DND - DHRIM | DND - BASE CAT TEAM | DND - CFHP Lab | DND - CFSD Montreal | DND - DAEPM | DND - DAEPM DAP | DND - DCPS | DND - DCPS | DND - DDIS | DND - Defence R & D Canada | DND - Defence R&D Canada | DND - DGEPS NP | DND - DLCSPM | DND - DLCSPM3 | DND - DRDKIM | DND - French Language School | DND - Hydrographic Services | DND - JAG Informatics | DND - MCE | DND - NPB | DND - PMO MASIS | DND - RMC Detachment | DND - Rockcliffe | DND - Supply Squadron | DND - VCDS | DND 764 Comm Sqn Whse | DND A/DMGIM | DND CFHA | DND Fleet Maintenance Facility | DND/DGEPS/MAT Group TRC | Domtar | DPS Enterprise

E & V Design Works | Eduserve Inc | Elections Canada | Electrone Americas Ltd US | Emily Carr Middle School | ENERSTAT | Environment Canada | Equity Systems PTY Limited US | Ericsson Canada Inc. | Espanola Regional Hydro | Eurocom Corporation | Evolution | Eye Institute Opticians

Farm Boy Inc. | Federal Court of Canada | Federal Court of Canada Library | Fielding Drive School | Financial Transactions & Report | First Avenue Public School | First National Bank of Bryan US | Fisheries and Oceans - Hydrographics Services | Fisher Scientific | Fisheries & Oceans | Flextronics Canada Design SVC | Foreign Affairs & Int'l Trade | Foreign Affairs Canada | Forrest Green Inc

GasTOPS Ltd. | Gelcote International | General Dynamics Canada | Geomatics Canada | Geomatics Industry Association | Gignul Non-profit Housing Corp. | Gilmour Reproductions | Gov't Telecom Informatics | Government of Canada | Government Services Canada A | Gowling Public School | Great Canadian Bagel

Haitel US | Harris Computers | Hay's Fire Equipment US | Hazardous Materials Information | Health Canada | Hermitage Puishing Corp. | Honeywell Aerospace | Hopewell Avenue Public School | House of Commons | HPB Biostatistics & Comp. Appl. | HRSDC | Hudson Movers Inc. | Human Resources & Corporate Management Branch | Human Resources Development Canada | Huntley Centennial School | Hydrographic Services Office | Hypernetics Ltd.

ICS / Delaware Group | Ideal Roofing | IDRC | Ignition Mortgage Technology US | Imagna US | IMIC Ltd. US | Immigration & Refugee Board | Impatica Inc. | Indian & Northern Affairs | Industry Canada | Industry Canada - Supply Ops | Infrastructure Canada | Inly Systems | Innovance Networks | Institute of Ocean Sciences | Integrity Data | International BarCoding Systems | International Security Printers | Intertask Limited | Iron Mountain | ISM Corporation | Istat | ITI | J.H. Putman Intermediate School

Jackson River Technical Center US | JDS Fitel | JDS Uniphase | Job1 USA Security | Jockvale Elementary School | Jordash Company | Justice Canada

K.D. Consulting Financial Serv | Kanatek Technologies Inc. | Kenora Town& Hydro | Kent and Edgar | Kestrel Technical Services | Ketchum Manufacturing | Kingdom Auto Parts | KJP Crafts | Komtech Inc.

L.C. Corporation US | La Soupiere de L'amitie | Le Arrowhead Community US | Lancaster Datamark | Learning Tree International Inc | Len Francis | Les Editions du Coteau | Les Editions Trian | Library of Parliament | Lifestream Animal Food Bank | Linktek | Lomor Printers | Lutheran Life Insurance | Lyndonville Electric Department US

Macartney Farms | MacEwen Petroleum Inc. | Mainsource Software Corp. | Malen Framing | Manchester Police | Department US AL | MCE - Mapping & Charting Establishment | Marek Condomimium Management | Mark's WorkWearhouse | Market Information Services | Marks & Clerk | MasTec Ottawa | Materiel Management | Maxima Technical Services | McMaster University | MDS Aero Support | MDS Nordion Inc. | MEC | Med-Eng Systems Inc. | Messier-Dowty Electronics | Metropolitan Barcode | Micro-Connection US | Microage Computer Centre | Mincom | Mines Action Canada | Minister of Finance | Ministere Defense Nationale | Ministere La Defense Nationale | Ministry of Environment | Ministry of Finance | Ministry of Health | Ministry of the Environment | Ministry of Transportation | MISB - Agriculture & Agri-Food | Mitel Corporation | Moen Inc. US | Mooney's Bay Computer | Morrisville Water & Light US | Mosaic Mapping Systems Inc. | MSE Mobile Systems Engineering US | MTI US | Municipal Health & Safety Assoc | Museum of Science & Technology | MXI Technologies Ltd.

NAFTA Secretariat | Napanee P.U.C. | National Capital Business Alliance | National Parole Board | Natural Resources Canada ESS/SST | Natural Resources Canada/CANMET | National Archives of Canada | National Bank | National Capital Commission | National Capital Distribution | National Defence | National Defence - NCPG | National Defence Headquarters | National Defence; DMGIM | National Defense - Map/Charting | National Energy Board | National Gallery of Canada | National Leasing Group Inc. | National Library of Canada | National Museum of Science | National Parole Board | National Research Council | National Round Table on the Environment | Natural Resources Canada | Natural Sciences & Engineering | Nav Canada | Naval Engineering Test | NCC | NCO IC Operational Logistics | NDHQ | NDHQ - DCPS | NDHQ DHRIM/O | NDHQ DMGIM | Nelligan Power | Nepean High School | Nepean Kanata Lock | Neptec Design Group | Nexus Capital Limited US | NitroMicro Systems | Nortel Networks | Nortel Networks Tech. Corp. | Nortel Networks Technology | North Attleborough Electric US | North Star Survey & Engineering | Northern Telecom US | Northern Telecom Limited | Northfield Municipality US | Northland Industrial Truck Co. US | Nova Research & Technical Ctr

Occupational Health & Safety | OCDSB - Agincourt Public School | OCDSB - Bridlewood | OCDSB - Canterbury High School | OCDSB - D Aubrey | OCDSB - Earl of March | OCDSB - Forest Valley ES | OCDSB - Merivale High School | OCDSB - Rideau Valley | OCDSB - Sir Robert Borden | OCEDCO | OCM Manufacturing Inc | OCR Concepts Canada | Office of Superintendent | Office of the Auditor General | Office of the Chief Electoral Officer | Office of the Commissioner | Office of the Information Commissioner | Office of the Privacy Commissioner | Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School | Ottawa-Carleton District School | Ottawa-Carleton Regional Police | Ottawa Board of Education | Ottawa Business Interiors | Ottawa Fire Services | Ottawa Food Bank | Ottawa General Hospital | Ottawa Hospital - Civic Campus | Ottawa Logistics Ltd. | Ottawa Valley Home & Garden | Ottawa Valley Inventory Service | Outaouais Moving | Oxford Management | Oz Optics Ltd.

PAging Services Limited US | Pall Medical | PALS Inc | Pareidos Informatique R & D Inc | Parge Plus Software | Parke-Davis US | Parks Canada Agency | Patafie's Moving Supplies | PC Service Partners | PCL Constructors West Coast Inc | Peernet Inc. | Peterson A.F.B. Fire Department US | Petro-Sud Ouest | Phase V | Philips Optical Storage LOAP | Pike County Government US | Pinecrest Public School | Pleasant Park Public School | Pole & Management Inc. | Portage Cartage & Storage Ltd | Power of Dreams Inc | Praxair Canada Inc | Primo Instrument | Privy Council Office | Pro-Intro Market Dev. | Productions Le Chemin Etroit | ProFac Mgmt Group | ProFilon | Provincial Bailiff | PSC - Asticou Centre | PSINet | PSINet Ottawa | Psion Inc. (U.S.) US | Psion Industrial PLC US | Psion PLC (Asia Pacific) US | Psion Teklogix | Psion U.K. PLC | Psitech Pty Ltd. US | Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada | Public Service Commission | Public Service Compensation | Public Service Staff Relations | Public Works and Gov't Services | Public Works Canada - NCR | Publications QuebecSport | PWGSC | PWGSC - Translation Bureau | PWGSC/AMES - ADMIN

Quadrus Technologies | Queensway Carleton Hospital

R. Byrns Curry Public School | R.E. Gilmore Investments | Radiation Protection Bureau | Randall's Paints Limited | Raptor Management Corp. | RCMP | RCMP - Sommet De La Francophonie | RCMP - Calgary S/Div HQ | RCMP - Forensic Science | RCMP - P.Q. | RCMP -NESNS | RCMP (TOLS) | RCMP College | RCMP External Review Committee | RCMP/GRC "A" Division | Receiver General | Reclaim Service Technologies | Region of Ottawa-Carleton | Renaissance Grand Beach Hotel | Rennaisance Grand Beach US | Revenue Canada | Revenue Canada (Hull) | Revenue Canada DRSC-RASD | Revenue Canada III | Revenue Canada IIII | Revenue Canada ITO | Rideau Health & Fitness Centre | Rideau St Lawrence Utilities | Ridout & Maybee | Riverview Alternative School | RMOC - Employmnt Resource Ctr W | RMOC East | Rogers Ottawa | Rohde & Schwarz Canada Inc. | Roland Michener P.S. (OCDSB) | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Royal Military College | Royal Moving | Rudolph Sales 2000 Inc. | Ruptash & Associates

S & S Software | Safeguard Systems US | Schleich North America Inc. | Sciemetric Instruments Inc. | Scott Paper Limited | Seaway International Bridge | Securit Records Mgmt | Select Mart | Semiconductor Insights Inc. | Senstar Corp. | Sequoia Software Ltd. | Serco Facilities Management | SIDMMB- PWGSC A | Siemens Canada Limited | Simon & Arrington Inc. US | SISIP - HDHQ | Small Systems Group US | Smart Technologies | SNC-Lavalin PAE Inc | Solicitor General of Canada | Solutrix Inc. | Somers IP Inc. | South Carleton High School | SpaceBridge Networks | Spectrum Cae Limited | SSHRC | Stanton Territorial Health Auth | Statistics Canada | Statistics Canada Div Mgmt | Statistics Canada ITSD | Status of Women Canada | Stentor | Steph-Com Ltd. | Sterling MLD US | Strathroy Public Utilities | Stuart Clobridge | Sunrise Records | Supreme Court of Canada | Swanton Village Inc. US | Sys Acc Software

Tannis Trading | Tax Court of Canada | Tecumseh P.U.C. | Tel Av Audio Visual Services | Telecom Ottawa | Telesat Canada | Telus | Tembec Forest Products | Terrapoint Canada Inc. | Terry Fox Elementary School | The Adga Group | The Camera Exchange | The Comic Book Shoppe | The Computer Network US | The Dutton Group B | The Energy Connection | The Handheld Consultancy Ltd. US | The Label Centre Limited | The Micronutrient Initiative | The Perley Hospital | The Printer Doctor | The Senate of Canada | Thomas Engineering Co. | Threshold Financial Technologie | Tidal Quality Management Corp. | Township of Middletown US | Township of Russell Public | TQS - Argentina US | Translation Bureau - PWGSC | Transport Canada | Transportation Safety Board | Treasury Board of Canada | Trio Tool Company US | Turtle Moons Press | Tuttle Decision Systems Inc. US | Tyco Healthcare

United Hospital Center US | Universidad Central du Bayamon US | University of Ottawa | University of Ottawa - Press | University of Ottawa Heart Ins | University of Waterloo | Urban Outdoor Trans Ad | URemember | UTTC United Tri-Tech Corp. | VALE Inco | Vanier Community Services Ctr |

Versaterm | Veterans Affairs Canada | Videoplex Plus | Viewtrak Technologies | Viscount Alexander Public | Vistar Telecommunications Inc. | Visteon & Technology | VMI Medical | Vocational Rehabilitation Mgmt | Volex Capulum

Wallace Machinery | War Amputations of Canada | WEL-Systems Institute | Western Distribution Centre | Westwood Fibre Ltd. | Wi-Lan Inc. | Widget Software Ltd. | Widget U.K. Limited | Windhorse Yoga | WO Manobo Design Corp. | Wolfe Works | Wonder Computers | Workstream | Worldwide Food Distributors

Xerox Business Services


Call Doreen Wallace or Trinity Joseph at 613 225 4404, or email to

To reach us by phone from Ottawa, dial 613 225 4404
To reach us by phone from outside Ottawa, dial 1-888-838-1067

© SageData . Ottawa . Ontario . Canada
