About SageData - The Company


SageData have expertise around three specific technologies: small, compact handheld computers; 1-D and 2-D barcodes; passive RFID and active RFID tags.

We have applied these technologies to wide variety of applications including: asset tracking, inventory control and warehouse management systems, proof of delivery, management of inspections and scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities, manufacturing, and Quality Assurance.

These systems have been designed to work with mobile handheld computers and barcodes or RFID tags to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the data collection process. Our focus is on helping organizations transform the way they track and manage their activities, by providing data collection techniques which are fast, easy and accurate, and by providing the tools to process and present that data in a timely and useful fashion.

Since 1991 we have installed hundreds of our hardware and software applications throughout Canada and in more than 25 countries around the world. Our software has been installed for various applications from tracking fire fighting equipment to tracking maps and charts on National Defence ships.

We have become renowned for our professionalism, expertise and reliability in our software and customer support. We are an ISO9001:2000 registered company, closely following procedures to ensure that we produce the best quality products for our customers.

Innovation Solutions

Way back in 1995, we launched a range of software solutions that integrate with existing desktop systems, including SAP and Oracle Financials. Our flagship product, BassetPro, is the Ultimate Asset Tracking System, designed for Police Departments, Fire Departments, ISPs, Government Departments and School Boards and anyone who wants to track assets.

Our other systems include:

WHiPPET - Wireless Warehouse Management system,
PICS - Paperless Inventory Control System,
FiESTA - Fire Fighter Equipment Tracking,
SEPTRE - Security Patrol Tracking System and
BAR CODE Labels.


In 2007 SageData upgraded their established BassetPro Asset Management System to enable it to be used with RFID tags. All the benefits of BassetPro, with the simplicity and accuracy of RFID for identification of Assets and Locations.


Other products include a GPS enabled mobile element for asset management and proof of delivery.

Whatever you want to track and manage, SageData have a solution, and we are always happy to discuss your specific requirements, and to help you identify the best solution for your particular situation. We invite you to contact us for a "no obligation" discussion of the potential for these technologies to help you with your requirements.

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

For further information, please contact us...
Send email to "info@sagedata.com"
Contact us by phone...
within Ottawa, dial (613) 225-4404
outside Ottawa, dial (888) 838-1067

© SageData . Ottawa . Ontario . Canada

About SageData