Links - to other useful pages

The Institute of Asset Management - An excellent organisation with a good web site and excellent journals. If you are responsible for Asset Management, we strongly suggest that you consider joining this organisation, to keep up to date with the latest advances in Asset Management Technology and Techniques. Contact IAM directly or SageData for more information.

BarCode 1 – Your one source for bar code information.

D'Arcy Logistics – Providing Integrated Logistics Support to high tech companies, as well as the more traditional moving and storage services. D'Arcy employs the latest bar code technology to manage their operations. SageData works closely with D'Arcy to ensure that they meet the current and future needs of their customers with the latest equipment and software. D'Arcy clients include Nortel, Alcatel, Jetform and many departments of the Federal Government.

Intermec – supply a wide range of hardware including hand held computers, bar code label printers and bar code scanners.

Materials Management & Distribution - is written for Canada's leading supply chain professionals and provides a solution oriented editorial approach to the movement, storage and control of materials, products and information.

Psion PLC - is the parent company for the Psion group. In the early eighties they designed the first hand held computer to be widely accepted, and today they produce the Workabout – one of the world's most powerful and versatile hand held computers.

Quad II - provide consulting and educational services to organizations either using or considering using bar codes or hand held computers.

TekLynx - are the makers of the Label Matrix software package for printing bar code labels.

Symbol - is one of the world's leading manufacturers of bar code scanners and associated equipment. As of early 2007, Symbol are part of the Motorola group of companies.

Terrapoint - the GPS experts.
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