
Our principal product is a combination of four things: requirements verification, software, hardware and ongoing support. Typically, we work with our clients to define the objectives, and then select the appropriate hardware and software. We configure and test the hardware. We fine tune the software. We assist with installation. We provide training, and support through the initial implementation and beyond.


These systems may at first glance appear simple, but with "over 900 served", we have learned that the difference between a good and a "less good" outcome often hinges on the close support provided during the start up phase.

On this page we talk about the various applications that we can provide. These are essentially built on the same "chassis", and share the reliability that we have earned over many hundreds of installations. But the interface that the user sees, on the hand held computer, on the desktop, and on the web, is optimised for the general family of applications (SKU base, UIC based), and optimised further for each specific client.


We have been designing software solutions since 1991, using barcode technology and handheld computers. Our software solutions have been installed in more than 25 different countries for various applications from tracking network equipment to maps and charts on National Defence ships.

Our off-the-shelf products include BassetPro – the Ultimate Bar Code Asset Tracking System, WHiPPET – Wireless Warehouse Management System, PICS – Paperless Inventory Control, LAPIS – Portable Bar Code Label Printing System and SEPTRE – Security Patrol Tracking System.


We are also pleased to announce a special product, one that does not quite fit in with the rest of the family, the Serialize Barcoder. This is a utiiity that allows you to barcode pre-printed documents, invoices, paper forms, etc, or to print barcodes on blank pages allowing you to reuse them in software where no barcode support is given. Click on the links to the right of this page to find out more about our individual products...
* Serialize Barcoder *
Asset Management
Warehouse Management
Inventory Control
Security Patrol
Fire Equipment Tracking
Label Printing
Custom Software
Batch Handheld
RF Handheld
Bar Code Readers
Bar Code Printers
Pre-printed Labels
On-demand Label Printing System
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