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Welcome / An Introduction to SageData


John Rivenell

My name is John Rivenell. As President of SageData, I welcome you to our web site.

Our systems can help you improve the level of service that you offer, improve safety of your employees, ensure compliance with mandated requirements and reduce operating costs. This website is intended to help you understand the products and services that we offer, and begin to identify which might be most appropriate for your specific needs.

We are defined in part by our focus - to provide our clients with tools to "manage their stuff". We use "stuff" here in part because our systems are used for a wide variety of physical things. Everyday applications include cardboard cartons in a warehouse, and IT equipment in an office environment. But we have also counted Caribou, and tracked assets at ancient sites in the UK.

If you are responsible for managing physical assets of any description, we aim to provide systems that will help ensure that managing these items is easy, fast and accurate. And we can help you manage the whole life cycle, from procurement, through receipt, deployment, inspection, maintenance and disposal.

Our product offerings include consulting, systems, hardware, software, labels and support services.

The list of SageData clients includes businesses large and small, in high-tech and low tech industries, from supply chain, through manufacturing and mining. We are based in Ottawa, Canada, and so are a major supplier to the Canadian Federal Government. Most Federal Government Departments and Agencies have installed one or more SageData System.

Since 1991 we have provided products and services to more than a thousand clients, as diverse as the Tower of London, manufacturing in Singapore, warehouse operations in Kandahar, mining operations in Northern Manitoba, and with many more systems located between Halifax and Victoria.

So why did these clients choose SageData? In part because we are judged to be "right sized". Big enough to provide the systems and support required, small enough to be responsive, to move fast when looking after a clients needs, and still be able to provide a very personal level of service. Call SageData during normal business hours, and you speak to a real live person. In less than four rings. Try it.

And to give you one more layer of protection, SageData is an ISO9001:2000 registered company. We have an active Quality Assurance Programme, ensuring that feedback from our clients is used to improve our products.

We invite you to browse these pages, and please feel free to call us directly if you have any questions around the technologies, or if you would like an opinion on a specific application that you are considering.

We are always keen to add to our list of established and satisfied clients.

Thank you for visiting us here. We hope that you find the information useful, and look forward to talking with you soon.

PS - Click here for an overview of our web site, which will hopefully help you quickly find the information that you need.

© SageData . Ottawa . Ontario . Canada

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